February/March 2016

Academy of Music Piano – Guitar – Ukulele – Voice – Violin – Saxophone – Clarinet – Flute Important Dates: March Break Closed March 14 – 20, 2016 Recitals/Picture Day Georgetown – Sat. April 9 Oakville – Sun. April 10 How Do the Recitals Work? Every parent just wants to know how their child is...

Academy of Music
Piano – Guitar – Ukulele – Voice – Violin – Saxophone – Clarinet – Flute

Important Dates:

March Break Closed
March 14 – 20, 2016

Recitals/Picture Day
Georgetown – Sat. April 9
Oakville – Sun. April 10

How Do the Recitals Work?MadelineAtPiano

Every parent just wants to know how their child is doing and if they are really progressing. One of the best ways for a parent to understand if their investment in lessons is really worth it, is to have their child participate in a recital. Music is a performance art is is meant to be shared with an audience.

In April and December many of our students choose to perform in our biannual recitals. We hold these at a beautiful church with a full size piano, and all the equipment necessary to make you sound great. The recitals are held right here in in town so you don’t have to travel for a world class recital experience.

For our students these recitals are FREE and unlike many other schools we do not charge for recital participation or admission fees. It’s very easy to sign up! Just let your teacher or the office know that you want to participate and we’ll put you on the schedule.

Free Picture Day


guitar lessons oakville 3On the same day, at the same location as the recital we will host our annual picture day. All students are invited to have their picture taken by a professional photographer with their instrument. Every family will receive a FREE 4X6 print with a frame to display at home. There are no sitting fees, or other charges for picture day. This is a FREE service offered to Academy of Music students. ROCK STAR POSES ARE ENCOURAGED!




Student Feedback

“Our daughter can’t wait for her Saturday piano lessons. We never once have to ask her to practise because she absolutely LOVES doing so! She even had her first recital last year!” Baisakhi Roy


Is YOUR Teacher Sold Out?

Many of our teachers have sold out between the hours 4 pm – 8 pm. If you need a schedule change or would like to be added to a waiting list for a particular teacher, day or time, please contact our office and we can add you to the waiting list. There are still limited lesson spots available. To inquire about openings for April send an e-mail to [email protected] or call the office.


Jenn F – Piano, Voice – Mon: One spot left
Susan G – Piano, Violin – Mon, Tue, Wed: One spot left, Sat: One spot left
Christina P, Piano, Voice – Wed: FULL, Saturdays:One spot left
Elizabeth – Piano, voice – Mondays: One spot left, Thursdays: FULL
Mike N, Guitar, Ukulele – Mondays: One spot left, Saturdays: One spot left
Dan W – Guitar, Ukulele – Mon: Full
Jenn P – Piano, Voice – Mon: One spot left, Tues: FULL, Wed: One spot left
Dan W, Guitar – Mondays: One spot left
David, in-home piano – Tues: One spot left, Wed: FULL


Please welcome all the students who enrolled at our schools in December

Jessica B.
Sophia M.
Gabriel C.
Jayden L.
Dulina W.
Iona K.
Karina K.
Ronald K.
Julia G.
Isabelle G.
Gareth L.
Devon A.
Nina K.
Saraleen K.
Claudia H.
Finneus B.
Rian O.
Caden T.
Christine F.
Ethan B.
Grace M.
Jiya T.
Isabella Y.
Kristy L.
Rola N.
Luke M.
Paige A.
Mia S.
Liam M.
Riley W.
Sebastin I.
Ted P.
Ashley L.
Jeremiah A.
Nicole L.

we love referals$25 OFF!

Refer a friend to the Academy and we’ll take $25.00 of your next month of lessons

and give your friend a FREE $25 registration.

It’s that easy!



Sign up is easy and parent-friendly, with helpful staff available seven days a week to serve you. Because we only offer lessons on a month-to-month basis, there are no large upfront payments, no complicated contracts, no annual material or performance fees, and no semester minimums.
The Academy of Music in Oakville Ontario teaches piano, guitar, ukulele, drums, voice, saxophone, clarinet and flute


Lessons are first come, first serve, so contact us today to arrange your first lesson!



Monday – Thursday 9:00am - 9:00pm

Friday 11:00am - 7:30pm

Saturday 9:00am – 4:00pm

Sunday 9:00am - 4:00pm

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Music Lessons Oakville Ontario Academy of Music