
Music Lesson Update for April 2024

We're  back  with  your  monthly  update  where  we  give  you  all  the  details  of  what  you  need  to  know  about  what's  happening  at  the  Academy  each  month.

Oakville Academy of Music

Welcome  back  everybody  and  happy  spring!

We’re  back  with  your  monthly  update  where  we  give  you  all  the  details  of  what  you  need  to  know  about  what’s  happening  at  the  Academy  each  month.

On this month’s agenda:

– welcoming  our  new  students
– wishing  students  and  staff  a  very  happy  birthday
– our  final  spring  recital  details
– information  on  our  fundraisers  at  the  recitals
– teacher  and  student  of  the  month
– renovation  updates
– our  new  segments: Tips & Tricks
– secret  word  draw

You  know  we love starting  off  on a  high  note! Let’s  welcome  another  15  new  students to the Academy since our last update! 

A huge happy birthday going out to 25  of our Oakville students celebrating throughout April as well as to 5 of our instructors!

Happy birthday to:

Spring Recital:

Registration is officially closed for our 2024 Spring Recital at the Mississauga Living Arts Center. We  have  over  400  students  that  are  ready  to  take  the  stage  and  perform  in  April!
Keep  your  eyes on your inboxes  for  some  emails  from  us  with  all  of  the  details  that  you  need  to  know.

Food4Kids Halton fundraising:

As you know, we do not charge for any tickets, admission or administration fees for the spring and winter recital. We do this to keep our focus on giving back to our communities. We raise  money  each recital season for  Food 4 Kids  Halton,  which  is  a  really  amazing  organization.

We’ve  donated  thousands  of  dollars  over  the  years  to them through recitals and various other events we’ve hosted.

Food4Kids is an organization which  provides  bags  of  food  discreetly  to  students  in  need  on  Fridays  before  they  go  home  for  the  weekend  so  they  have  some  healthy  food  options  over  the  weekend  for  themselves.

They are currently providing food for over  a  thousand  Halton  kids –  which  is  pretty  incredible feat.

Please  consider  bringing  a  cash  donation  if  you’re  all  able  to  at  the  time  of  your  recital. This is an organization we are proud to continue supporting.

Note: at this time we  do  not  have  the  ability  to  take  food  donations  for Food4Kids

Student and Teacher of the Month:

Each  month  we recognize  a  student  who  is  showing  their  dedication  and  their  passion  for  their  lessons  when  they  come  in  each  week.  So  congratulations  to  Desmond  D  for  keeping  up  the  great  work  every  week.

Our April teacher of the month is our Brampton teacher, Hilda, who provides piano and violin lessons. She  is  great  with  all  students,  adults and  the  little  ones.  So  keep  up  the  great  work  and  congratulations!

Renovation news:

As you have probably seen, we have  the  renovations  of  the  studio continuing.  We  hope  you  are  enjoying  the  new  lobby  chairs, as  well  as  the  new  carpeting.  There’s  still  a  few  more  repairs  that are happening as well so please continue to bear with us while we get the place shining for spring! We  cannot  wait  for  the  final  reveal!

Tips & Tricks: Practicing

So  many  times we get asked what’s  expected  of  the  student  for  practicing  at  home.

Sometimes  people  think  that  they  need  to  be  practicing  a  whole  bunch  every  day,  hours  on  end  to  be  able  to  get  the  results  that  they  want.  One  of  our  teachers  used  an  analogy  that  really  stuck  with  us  that  kind  of  helps  bring  it  all  to  light.

So  if  you  think  about  brushing  your  teeth,  if  you  wait  all  the  way  till  Saturday  to  brush  your  teeth  Saturday  morning,  but  don’t  touch  your  toothbrush  for  the  whole  week  leading  up  to  it,  you’re  going  to  have  a  whole  lot  of  cleanup  to  do  on  the  Saturday  versus  if  you  do  two  minutes  of  brushing  your  teeth morning and night each  day  then  you  only  have  a  little  bit  of  cleanup  so  it’s  not  so  much  work.

The same idea applies to practicing! We  always  recommend  beginner  students  to  practice  about  10  or  15  minutes  a  day – set  a  timer,  review  the  material learned  in the lesson  and  before  you  know  it  you’re  going  to  be  mastering  all  of  that  material  and then  ready  for  your  next  lesson  to  learn  something  new. 

Short amounts of repeated practice frequently is key!

Secret word:

If  you  stick  around  till  the  end  of  the update we reveal  a  secret  word  and  for  your  chance  to  win  a  $25  Amazon  gift  card  with  us.  So  if  you  text,  call,  or  email  us our  April  secret  word: FLOWERS

Please also help us congratulate Aarya M on winning the draw for the secret word from March!

That’s all for this month! See you in May for our next update!
Bye for now

Check your inboxes for the details on the show you’re registered for!

Don’t forget to pick up your Musical Ladder Practice Buddy at the desk after your first challenge!

One fun buddy to practice with once you’ve completed your Apprentice challenge for three months of music lessons!

Musical Ladder System® Achievements

Oakville Academy of Music is the only music school in the area offering students the opportunity to earn special wristbands, trophies and certificates passing musical challenges with the Musical Ladder System®. This system helps motivate students to create and achieve musical goals with their instructor.

Proud parents, ambitious students and excited teachers. Everybody wins!

Do other schools offer trophies and certificates? A few, but none of them inspire their students with smiling faces by giving them full colour, really cool “Musical Ladder System®” wristbands they can show off to their friends.

Amelia G
Ann S
Anya O
Atharva S
Braelyn J
Carol J
Daniel A
Ella D
Evan W
Francine N
Lucas L
Maggie D
Max B
Neha K
Sachin T
Sabrina L
Shinnia X
Victoria G
Aarna J
Abigail (Abby) G
Cheryl A
Delaney R
Emilie S
Hadlie P
Henry B
Isaac A
Ivana S
Jack E
Jack P
Julie R
Juniper B
Wesley H
Yashee S
Yokesh K

Alison H
Atharv B
Jess S
Juliana S
kain S
Naomi S
Nyree S
Parisa S
Advait R
Arzoi K
Baaj S
Dylan M
Emily K
Harkirat S
Hannah K
Hazael V
Jayden Matthew B
Jordyn R
Lynn B
Manishika D
Rainu T
Rhonda E
Sachika T
Vishal P
Kimora GA
Lalit S
Marcel M
Mia A
Raquel B
Rebecca M
Shreyas A
Soleil D
Teniola O

Gavin S
Adam B
Pierce D
Abigail H
Rickey C
Sonal O
Ceileigh W
Makayla B
Teagan B
Reyansh D
Hannah F
Tim D
Jerry W

Thomas M
Gerry B
Shivohi P
Serene B
Maggie D
Atharva S
Mack T
Marlon B
Emma C
Sophie L
Joshua L
Lexy B

Noah C. (Guitar, Ukulele, Piano)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Maria R. (Piano)
Mondays: 3 SLOTS LEFT

Wednesdays: SOLD OUT
Thursdays: SOLD OUT

Hector G. (Piano)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Tuesdays: SOLD OUT
Wednesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Thursdays: SOLD OUT

Heather W. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: SOLD OUT

Tuesdays: SOLD OUT
Wednesdays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Alexandra P. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Tuesdays: SOLD OUT

Joe P. (Piano)
Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Wednesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Edmund B. (Piano)
Mondays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Justus H. (Guitar & Ukulele)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Korina E. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Tuesdays: SOLD OUT
Wednesdays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Nathan F. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Tuesdays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Mario P. (Guitar & Ukulele)
Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Jake K. (Guitar, Piano, Ukulele)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Tuesdays: 2 SLOTS LEFT
Wednesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Thursdays: SOLD OUT

Anthony (Guitar & Ukulele)
Tuesdays: SOLD OUT

Graham D. (Piano & Voice)
Tuesdays: SOLD OUT

Wednesdays: SOLD OUT
Thursdays: SOLD OUT
Saturdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Han (Violin)
Mondays: SOLD OUT

Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Fridays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Margaret P. (Piano & Violin)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Thursdays: SOLD OUT

Devi L. (Piano)

Tuesdays: SOLD OUT
Wednesdays: SOLD OUT
Sundays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Justin K. (Drums & Piano)
Tuesdays: SOLD OUT

Thursdays: New day for piano
Friday: New day for Oakville drums

Maddy L. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: SOLD OUT

Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Eric T. (Guitar)
Mondays: 2 SLOTS LEFT

Adam E. (Piano)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT
Wednesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Lidiia K. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Maria M. (Piano)
Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Robert P. (Guitar & Ukulele)
Tuesdays: 1 SLOT LEFT

JC. A. (Piano)
Thursdays: 3 SLOTS LEFT

Fridays: 1 SLOT LEFT

Maddy L. (Piano & Voice)
Mondays: SOLD OUT

Tuesdays: 3 SLOTS LEFT
Wednesdays: SOLD OUT


Spring Recital – April 19, 20 & 21
Mountainview Residence Showcase – May 14
Victoria Day – CLOSED – May 20
Canada Day – CLOSED – July 1
Winter Recitals – Dec 13, 14, 15 2024


Sign up is easy and parent-friendly, with helpful staff available seven days a week to serve you. Because we only offer lessons on a month-to-month basis, there are no large upfront payments, no complicated contracts, no annual material or performance fees, and no semester minimums.
The Academy of Music in Oakville Ontario teaches piano, guitar, ukulele, drums, voice, saxophone, clarinet and flute


Lessons are first come, first serve, so contact us today to arrange your first lesson!


$42/30 minutes

$84/60 minutes (Recommended for the serious student)


Monday – Thursday 9:00am - 9:00pm

Friday 11:00am - 7:30pm

Saturday 9:00am – 4:00pm

Sunday 9:00am - 4:00pm

A one-time registration fee of $25 (due only at time of registration)

Music lessons are HST exempt!

Fees must be paid by auto debit or pre-authorized credit card at time of registration.

©2022 academymusic.org | All Rights Reserved | Website Design by Annex Graphics

Music Lessons Oakville Ontario Academy of Music