Music BlogMusic Lesson Update May 2022

Hello there everyone, my name is James and I’m the Director for the Academy of Music in Oakville, Burlington, and Georgetown. I’m here with a quick video update for May 2022. A couple of things on the agenda for today, the first is the recitals. A few weeks ago, we had recitals in Oakville and in Georgetown, and of course Burlington came to Oakville for those as well at the at the Oakville Center for Performing Arts. It was a lovely show this time around. I got to emcee all the events and so I was able to watch and enjoy all of the students.

Music Lesson Update May 2022


Hello there everyone, my name is James and I’m the Director for the Academy of Music in Oakville, Burlington, and Georgetown.  I’m here with a quick video update for May 2022. A couple of things on the agenda for today, the first is the recitals.  A few weeks ago, we had recitals in Oakville and in Georgetown, and of course Burlington came to Oakville for those as well at the at the Oakville Center for Performing Arts.  It was a lovely show this time around.  I got to emcee all the events and so I was able to watch and enjoy all of the students. There were piano performances, voice performances, guitar performances.  One of the things that I noticed is how strong all our little musicians really are.  The performances were beautiful!  They were well put together.  They were well organized, so applause to all of you. Great job to you and to the teachers that are working with the students.

On that vein we’re going to have another event in the summer on august the 7th in Oakville, that’s a Sunday and august the 14th in Georgetown, also on a Sunday a week later.  We are going to have an outdoor recital as well as a student appreciation day!  So, an appreciation day we are going to cook hamburgers and hot dogs as well as vegetarian hamburgers for those who want it. We’ll have a bouncy castle, some water events, some games as well as the recital. It’s an all-afternoon thing.   We encourage you to come out and if you wish you can bring your friends and of course we’d like your families to be there to have lunch on us to celebrate you as a as an academy music student and to say thank you again for your participation. Again, those are on August 7th in Oakville and august 14th in Georgetown.

Since my last video in about the middle of march I’d like to welcome over 100 new students that have joined us at the academy of music.   So, to all of you, welcome!  If you’re looking at the newsletter in the email all your welcome names are down below as well as birthdays and a variety of other events. So welcome to the Academy of Music all our new and wonderful students!

The last thing today I want to talk about is very exciting news!  On July 1st of 2022, just over a month

from now the Academy of Music group will be taking over one of Brampton’s oldest music schools!  The Peel Music Academy is going to become one of our family members beginning on that day. Those programs that we offer currently in our studios, the musical ladder system, the free recitals a few times a year and the performance opportunities.  All of the great things that we have, the Practice Challenge and of course our wonderful teachers.  We’re going to build those programs up for the Brampton community.  We’re quite excited about that!

I think that’s about it for today.  Once again thank you so much for being a student with us here at the academy.  We very much appreciate your support and more importantly, thank you so much for supporting yourself and your children in this musical journey.

Thanks again take care


Sign up is easy and parent-friendly, with helpful staff available seven days a week to serve you. Because we only offer lessons on a month-to-month basis, there are no large upfront payments, no complicated contracts, no annual material or performance fees, and no semester minimums.
The Academy of Music in Oakville Ontario teaches piano, guitar, ukulele, drums, voice, saxophone, clarinet and flute


Lessons are first come, first serve, so contact us today to arrange your first lesson!



Monday – Thursday 9:00am - 9:00pm

Friday 11:00am - 7:30pm

Saturday 9:00am – 4:00pm

Sunday 9:00am - 4:00pm

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Music Lessons Oakville Ontario Academy of Music