October 2015

1026 Speers Rd. Oakville Ontario L6L 2X4 In This Month’s Newsletter Guitar lessons or Guitar Hero Are you preparing for the recital? Did you read your newsletter contest Parent feedback Is your teacher sold out? Welcome new students Refer a friend to the Academy and get $25 off your next month of lessons Refer a...


1026 Speers Rd. Oakville Ontario L6L 2X4

In This Month’s Newsletter

  • Guitar lessons or Guitar Hero
  • Are you preparing for the recital?
  • Did you read your newsletter contest
  • Parent feedback
  • Is your teacher sold out?
  • Welcome new students
  • Refer a friend to the Academy and get $25 off your next month of lessons

Refer a friend to the Academy and get $25.00 off

Guitar Lessons or Guitar Hero?

Ever since the video game “Guitar Hero” came out interest for guitar lessons has exploded. Guitar Hero is a very popular video game that allows users to play their favorite rock songs in a fast paced game. I am certainly not going to complain about guitar lessons being more popular than ever. We are more than happy with the increase in guitar students at the school.

There is however; one potential issue with taking guitar lessons after the initial inspiration is created by the game. Actually playing the guitar is nothing like playing a video game. Video games by their very nature are designed to be easy. If they weren’t easy no would make it past the first level. The game does give you the impression that you are playing the guitar because there are 4 buttons on the neck and a switch that is supposed to represent guitar strings. You kind of strum it with your right hand and put your fingers on the buttons with your left. This is where the similarities end.

Playing the actual guitar requires the development of fine motor skills; this takes a lot more time than making it through a couple of levels in a video game. There are 6 strings and in between 20 and 24 frets on a real guitar. The only way to get the notes to sound good is to have your finger in exactly the right spot in the fret and to pick the right string at the right time. You can imagine how much more challenging it can be to get the fingering just right on a whole series of strings and frets, all at what could seem like lightning speed.

Unfortunately some students start their guitar lessons with an unrealistic idea of how long it will take to be able to play like their favorite guitarist. A few disillusioned months later they quit lessons thinking that guitar lessons are not for them. This is a sad situation and it’s one that can be avoided

When your kids are begging you for guitar lessons because they totally rock in Guitar Hero please take a moment and remember this article. They may have the potential to become great guitarists however; you should take the time to explain that learning the guitar is not like playing a video game. It requires patience, dedication, time, and tons of support. If the time comes and they don’t quite sound like (insert favorite guitarist here) don’t let them give up too easily. Learning music can be an incredible experience. I know from personal experience that the longer you play (learn) the better you get, the better you get the more you want to learn. There is no end to rewards you can receive by making the music a regular part of your life

Note: This is only one of the many differences between video games and learning how to play music (don’t even get me started on video game distractions). I have not touched issues like dynamics, articulation, reading music, etc. The article was written to simply illustrate a common misconception in the world of music education.

Are You Preparing for the Recital?Oakville rock band 2

Music Recitals play a very important part in the development of any musician. I strongly believe that to be a really great performer, you have to have consistent and gradual performance experience. In addition to this, you need to have positive performance experiences.

If you would like to perform, or would like for your child to perform, in our December recitals, here’s how it works

Let your teacher know ASAP that you or your child would like to perform. On November 1st, all teachers will submit their lists of their students who wish to perform in the December recitals. We will post the performance schedule by the end of November. We are all looking forward to another great recital this December!


Did You Read Your Newsletter Contestmusic lesson winner

Be sure to read your newsletter each month to see if

your name has been drawn or you might miss out!

This month’s winner is:

Mina Ahi

Mina has won a fifteen dollar iTunes gift card!

To redeem your prize just bring this to the office to claim your iTunes card.

Congratulations Mina and everyone be sure to read their newsletter each month!

Parent Feedback

My two daughters started taking ukulele lessons at the Academy of Music in September 2013, when they were seven and five years old. Two years later, the younger child is enjoying her ukulele lessons, and the older child has graduated to guitar. They have both blossomed under Ryan’s tutelage. He is endlessly patient, and has encouraged both girls to sing while they play their instrument, which they both do now with confidence. It is a delight to hear them practice at home and demonstrate what they’ve learned at the bi-annual performances held by the Academy. Ryan convinced my older daughter to front the band as the lead singer in a separate ‘rock band’ class. We can’t believe how comfortable she has become in front of the microphone. Owner James lives and breathes music, and is available for questions and advice whenever needed. Tracy Cooper

Is YOUR Teacher Sold Out?

Many of our teachers have sold out between the hours 4 pm – 8 pm. If you need a schedule change or would like to be added to a waiting list for a particular teacher, day or time, please contact our office and we can add you to the waiting list. There are still limited lesson spots available. To inquire about openings for November send an e-mail to [email protected] or call the office. NOTE: This is a partial list. Please contact the office if you would like a teacher’s schedule that is not on this list.

Ella, Piano/Voice/Flute: – Mondays: ONE SPOT LEFT, Tuesdays,Wednesdays, Saturdays: SOLD OUT, Thursdays: ONE SPOT LEFT
Ryan, Guitar/Ukulele – Mondays: SOLD OUT, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays: THREE SPOTS LEFT,
James, Fiddle/Guitar – All days and times SOLD OUT
Christina, Piano/Voice – Wednesdays: ONE SPOT LEFT, Saturdays: ONE SPOT LEFT
Jennifer, Piano, Voice – Mondays: ONE SPOT LEFT, Tuesdays: ONE SPOT LEFT
Elizabeth, Piano, Voice – Thursdays: SOLD OUT, Mondays: TWO SPOT LEFT
Dan, Guitar, Ukulele – Wednesdays: ONE SPOT LEFT

Please welcome all the students who enrolled at our schools in July and August

Abigail M.
Julia B.
Rachel B.
Elizabeth P.
Trenton P.
Alet T.
Alexander W.
Mariana T.
Ethan H.
Julia Z.
Kelsie B
Sierra B.
Theodore W
Alexandra R.
Milena H.
Olivia M.
Annabelle M.
Beth P.
Brianna P.
Bryce M.
Cameron L.
Claire G.
Ella B.
Olivia P.
Sam G.
Samantha T
Domenic S.
Emily N.
Stacey W.
Catherine L.
Ellen F.
Gabriel G.
Eryn F.
Lewis F.
Evan B.
Jaqueline Z.
Janica K.
Jillian P.
Jordan B.
Julianna K.
Maia R.
Matthew B.
Mitchell B.
Monica N.
Naya H.
Quinn W.
Alex M.
Isabella C.
Liza C.
Mark S.
Meghan T.
Rachel A.
Julianna M
Samha A.
Sophia M.
Sofia M.
Robyn A.
Juzar P.
Niyanta P.
Doreen Q.
Noah L.
Lauren M.
Maria H.
Adam T.
Andrea O.
Ashaz R.
Cassandra H.
Charlotte T.
Erin O.
Ezimena A.
Jocelyn J.
Iyaan R.
Jack G.
Jennifer D.
Karl F.
Erik F.
Mayore A.
Deepa K.
Diya K.
Sophie D
Ashley W.
Andrea P.
Vuri T.
Anna T.
Danielle P.
Dryden T.
Eden W.
Hans- Martin K.
Jason B.
Jennifer C.
Katherine T.
Lauren S.
Lynda M.
Megan S.
Nara D.
Rhys. M
Rob S.
Spencer A.
Vida K.
Bianca F.
Cosmina F.
Malisa L.
Noah M.
Caleb C.
Karen C.
Earl W.
Liza O.
Isabel L.
Jaya S.
Nelson L.
Margaux P.
Ria S.
Rodrigo B.
Rumina B.
Jacob B.
Tim A.
Heather W.
Olivia S.
Ian B.
Mandana J.
Panntehe J
Larissa R.
Luca M.
Sanjith S.

$25 OFFwe love referals

Refer a friend to the Academy and we’ll take $25.00 of

your next month of lessons, and give your friend a FREE $25 registration.

It’s that easy!


Sign up is easy and parent-friendly, with helpful staff available seven days a week to serve you. Because we only offer lessons on a month-to-month basis, there are no large upfront payments, no complicated contracts, no annual material or performance fees, and no semester minimums.
The Academy of Music in Oakville Ontario teaches piano, guitar, ukulele, drums, voice, saxophone, clarinet and flute


Lessons are first come, first serve, so contact us today to arrange your first lesson!



Monday – Thursday 9:00am - 9:00pm

Friday 11:00am - 7:30pm

Saturday 9:00am – 4:00pm

Sunday 9:00am - 4:00pm

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Music Lessons Oakville Ontario Academy of Music