Ok, ready? Hello there everyone, welcome to the December 2019 video update for the academy of music! My name is James, you may already know I’m the director of the Academy of Music and this is our manager Tanya. So we’re going to go over a few important details that you guys may find useful.
NewsletterMusic lesson video update December 2019

Ok, ready? Hello there everyone, welcome to the December 2019 video update for the academy of music! My name is James, you may already know I’m the director of the Academy of Music and this is our manager Tanya. So we’re going to go over a few important details that you guys may find useful.
We’re going to go over the important dates, the closures and such. We’re going to do a really cool draw from last month’s secret phrase. The winner wins a $25 Amazon gift card. We’ve got a cool thing happening in December called Parent
Month. We have a referral contest. We have the secret phrase which you will send to us, we’ll do that a moment, and of course we have the Student of the Month oh, and gift certificates too!
I’ll start off with gift certificates. They are available if you have a friend or family member that you would like to introduce to music. We can give you gift certificates I think they’re 140 dollars for four weeks of lessons so it might be a nice opportunity to introduce that to a friend or family member.
Important dates. There’s a variety so I’m going to hand this off to Tonya and I’m going to let her tell you. All right so we’re closed for the holidays from December 24th till January 5th and then lessons resume January 6. We’re
starting some community events beginning with seniors home performances for our
students. The first one for Oakville will be December 19th at 7 p.m. and then Georgetown’s is December 21st at 1:00 p.m. so if you have a child or you’re a student that’s interested in performing then let us know we can sign you up
That’s awesome so the one in Oakville is at Trafalgar Lodge, that’s a seniors home and then the one in Georgetown is at Mountain View
residence. If you’re a high school student you will get volunteer hours for these performances which is a nice opportunity for you guys.
So, there are no teacher birthday’s this month, we checked in so we cannot wish teachers happy birthday this month. We’ll do that next month. Let’s go ahead and do the draw. This of course is for the Did you watch your newsletter” contest where we give a $25 Amazon gift card to the winner. All you have to do is text, call, or email the secret phrase in this video and then we enter you into the contest, and then for the next video we will draw the winner. Okay Tanya. The big winner today Caitlin Burke! Caitlin Burke you are the winner of the $25 Amazon gift card! I know Caitlin takes lessons at our Georgetown studio so we’ll send that along. It’ll be ready for you to pick up.
Parent Month. Parent Month is basically a celebration of you. the parents! We know that you take the kids to all their activities. You get them off of school. You feed them. You work day and night. In addition, most of you have careers. It’s a lot, being a parent so we decided that you might like to do something for yourself. We’re offering music lessons! If you get started or if you get signed up at any point in the month of December we are going to give you your first two lessons and a free registration to get you started. So, all you have to do is sign up in December to get yourself started. You might
want to take piano lessons, guitar lessons, violin lessons, singing, ukulele, saxophone, clarinet, flute, etc. It’s going to be a lot of fun! It might be nice to finally do something just for you and we want to help you get that started.
Referral contest:
Tanya, why don’t you tell us about the referral contest? So, anytime you refer somebody to the school both you and the new family get entered into a referral contest which this year we’re doing the draw on April 15th of 2020. The
referral prize is Four Seasons passes to Canada’s Wonderland in 2020. So, all you have to do is refer somebody and you get entered into the draw. We’ll see who the winner is on April 15th. That’s right and I would like to point
out that it also includes free parking for the year so you don’t need to pay for your passes and you don’t need to pay for parking for the whole time the time. Now for our secret phrase. I already mentioned this, just call, text, email, Facebook message, tell us in person. Do not comment though if you’re seeing this on Facebook or on YouTube because then you’re giving giving it away and we don’t want that. You need to watch the video. The secret phrase is, do you remember Tanya? It’s “Music is fun”
Now, that about wraps it up for us. I’m pretty sure we have everything covered. Stay tuned because immediately following our chat is the “Student of the Month” video.
OK, thanks everyone and thank you again for being a student and parent with the Academy of Music!
Student of the Month:
We’re with Kevin who’s the student of the month for December. Kevin was nominated by his teacher Tom who teaches him piano and so we just have a few questions for Kevin.
Q: Kevin, how old are You
A: 11, oh well almost 12.
Q: How long have you been taking piano lessons?
A: 2 years
Okay perfect and I already said you play the
Q: What’s your favorite song to play?
A: I have a lot of different songs I listen to so I don’t really have a favorite.
okay fair enough
Q: What do you like most about your teacher?
A: Well he’s a good teacher he can teach me well and he’s sometimes funny!
Yeah okay.
Q: If you could tell someone who’s thinking about taking music lessons what would you tell them?
A: Well first of all if they want to take music lessons they should tell their parents. I don’t think there’s a chance for their parents to say no since it’s a thing that everyone enjoys. I’ve never seen anyone that doesn’t like music and also, if he wants to search up for a place to play music you can search it up on any website
Cool, fair enough
All right Kevin. Congratulations on being “Student of the Month” Keep up the good work thanks a lot!