
Music Lesson Video Update November 2019

Hello there everyone! My name is James, I’m the director for the Academy of Music, and I’m Tanya I’m the office manager at the academy and this is our very first video newsletter.

Transcribed Video:

Hello there everyone!  My name is James, I’m the director for the Academy of Music, and I’m Tanya I’m the office manager at the academy and this is our very first video newsletter.  We’re going to try and keep it in under a couple of minutes so that it’s fun and easy to watch.  The idea is to make sure we’re communicating well with you guys so that you know what’s going on in the school, and of course to give you opportunities to ask questions.  Today we’re going to cover important dates here at the school, a new communication idea that we have, our referral contest, recitals, a little discussion about our charity work, the newsletter contest, we have a cool newsletter contest which you’re going to want to pay attention to, and we’re going to welcome new students and student of the month.  We’re going to play the student a month video at the end of this and then a few other little details.

So, we’ll start off with the important dates!  Ok Tanya!  How about you start.  Alright, so first off  the recitals for Oakville are November 29th and 30th and the Georgetown’s recital is December 1st.  We are closed for Christmas holidays from December 24th to January 5th and we resume normal lessons on January 6th.  Ok that’s it for important dates.

So, our referral contest is really cool!  Basically, if you refer somebody to our school we give you a $25 Amazon gift card and the person that you’ve referred also gets a $25 Amazon gift card which is cool but in addition to that you get entered into a contest that we’re going to draw on April the 15th of 2020, that’s for tickets to Canada’s Wonderland, those are season tickets so you’ll be able to take the family all year long and that also includes parking so you don’t have to pay anything except for food for the entire season next year.

We’ve got that information on our charity.  You may or may not know but we strongly support an organization called Food for Kids Halton. They’re a group that prepares food for the weekends for children who don’t have food for the weekends.  There are a lot of breakfast clubs but the kids that generally go to breakfast clubs don’t have food for the weekend.  This organization puts together food in nondescript bags and puts it right into their backpacks so the kids aren’t labeled or judged to help with the weekend issues. So far this year we’ve raised four thousand five hundred for the organization and we hope to do a lot more by the end of the year.

The watch the newsletter contest.  If you watch the newsletter let us know and we will give you an entry into the draw.  It’s going to be a draw for a twenty five dollar Amazon gift card so I’m going to give you a key word and all you have to do is email, text, or if you want to call and tell us or tell us quietly in person.  Do not comment on any of the posts because it’s a secret key word and you’ll have to watch the video to get the key word.  The key word for today is “Guitar Hero” so if you email us that we will put you in the draw to win the newsletter contest.  it’s just to increase folks watching the video, that’s all.

Okay, now we are going to welcome new students.  These are all the new students that started in October.  We have: Chelsea, Darvish, Vivian, Charlie, Ethan, Julian, Sean, Mark, Isabel, Cameron, Ryan, Shannon, another Ryan, Jelena, Yvette, Arjun, Marsha, Zeid, Abbey, Ethan, Olara, Brianna, Arjun, Francisco, Irene, and Serrano.  That’s great! There’s what looks like to be about 30 of those students that started last month so welcome aboard guys!  We’re glad to have you guys here.

I want to take a moment even though it’s already past to wish our teacher Eric a Happy Birthday.  That was on the 3rd.  We’re going to have a cake but if he watches this video before that I guess it’s not going to be a surprise but either way Happy Birthday Eric. We also have a new staff member named Jessica out of the Georgetown studio and her birthday is on November 23rd ,so a very Happy Birthday to her as well!

I think that about covers it.  If you if you enjoyed the video let us know,  Go ahead and comment on it.  If you have any questions or concerns you can always call the Georgetown or the Oakville Academy of Music, and that’s about it so we’ll see you guys all next month

Student of the Month

Hi, this is Oscar.  He is our very first video student of the month which is pretty cool!  He was nominated by his teacher Graham and so we’re just going to ask you a couple of questions.  If it is okay we’ll start off with: How old are you?  “Eight” that’s pretty easy wasn’t it.  How long you’ve been playing, how long have you been taking lessons?  “A year”. I heard that you play another instrument too, and that’s pretty cool. Do you do it in school?  “The recorder”.  That’s awesome, do you have a favorite song that you like to play in the piano?  “Hedwig’s theme from Harry Potter”.  Awesome, good and I have one final question.  What do you like about your teacher?  “If I get something wrong he always lets me retry and he encourages me to do stuff mm-hmm like keep playing”.  That’s good, and what would you tell people out there that are thinking about music lessons?  “Music is fun you should try it”!  That’s awesome,e good job buddy and congratulations on being students with a month okay awesome – good job


Sign up is easy and parent-friendly, with helpful staff available seven days a week to serve you. Because we only offer lessons on a month-to-month basis, there are no large upfront payments, no complicated contracts, no annual material or performance fees, and no semester minimums.
The Academy of Music in Oakville Ontario teaches piano, guitar, ukulele, drums, voice, saxophone, clarinet and flute


Lessons are first come, first serve, so contact us today to arrange your first lesson!


$42/30 minutes

$84/60 minutes (Recommended for the serious student)


Monday – Thursday 9:00am - 9:00pm

Friday 11:00am - 7:30pm

Saturday 9:00am – 4:00pm

Sunday 9:00am - 4:00pm

A one-time registration fee of $25 (due only at time of registration)

Music lessons are HST exempt!

Fees must be paid by auto debit or pre-authorized credit card at time of registration.

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Music Lessons Oakville Ontario Academy of Music